About Canon AT-1 from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Canon AT-1 was a 35mm FD-mount single-lens reflex camera manufactured by Canon of Japan from December 1976. It was produced purely for export and was never sold in the home Japanese market. It was a version of the popular AE-1 but without the shutter-speed priority auto-exposure mode of that camera. The AT-1 featured manual exposure only. This made the camera cheaper, as some consumers did not desire or require autoexposure and did not want to pay for it.
A light meter was included, featuring TTL center-weighted average metering with a CdS photocell, and a match needle in the viewfinder.
The accessories produced for the AE-1 also worked for the AT-1, including motor drives.
A bit about my Canon AT-1
Under construction (I am yet loading a roll of film, hence I can not say much)
I've just bought one of these, also have a Nikon fa.... Cant wait to get using the Canon :)